October 17, 2011

Persistent Punishments and an Erosion of Civil Rights

Read the full post by clicking here. The UN Special Rapporteur has released an initial report on the human rights situation in Iran. The report highlights several disturbing trends, which serve to cripple civil society activism. The report shows a concerted effort to prevent dissent and the development of an independent civil society by severely punishing those who speak out or act in a way deemed inappropriate or threatening by the state. In many cases, punishment is exacted for activities that were once sanctioned. The report demonstrates a clear trend towards increased state violence and disregard for its own legal system and constitution. Some of the trends revealed in the report include:
  • Exorbitant bails
  • Persistent punishments
  • Lack of due process
  • High number of executions
  • Muzzling activists and critics
  • Religious intolerance
  • Denial of health care